Protocol: Neck Pain/Strain/Whiplash

This describes the various treatment procedures the physical therapist may select, as indicated by patient evaluation, re-evaluation, treatment responses.


1. Pain control modalities, as needed and used in concert with restorative procedures to facilitate treatment tolerance and control disabling pain.

Ice, heat, electric Stim (Microcurrent, TNS, Neuroprobe, Russian, Interferential).

Corrective-protective rest positioning; relaxation training.

2. Initial patient education on problem, treatment, self-care.

3. Posture stress correction; daytime, nighttime, workplace, auto

4. Manual, mechanical, positional traction-distraction

5. Gentle, remedial low-grade articular and-or soft tissue manual therapy and mobilization

6. Physician specialty referrals as indicated


1. Exercise progression of range of motion, flexibility, stability, strengthening exercises at the neck and related upper body regions (emphasizing home exercises).

2. Manual therapy progression: articular and soft tissue mobilization:

Cervical, upper thoracic, subcranial, TMJ contributing structures as indicated;

Myofascial release, strain counterstrain, craniosacral technique, massage.

3. Manual, positional, mechanical traction in clinic; home units.

4. Address contributory stresses at shoulder girdle, upper back, thoracic outlet and TMJ with manual therapies, electrotherapies, corrective exercises

5. Advanced patient education; risk factor education.

6. Ergonomic job evaluation and modification; job coaching.

7. Return-to-work plan; restricted duty recommendations; employer education.

8. Reconditioning exercise plan; home and gym

Clinic treatment typically 2-3 visits per week for 2-5 weeks


Establish self-care skills and participation to minimize dependence on providers

Safe, early return to work

Pain control; pain relief

Reduce inflammation and spasm

Restore posture, flexibility, mobility, strength at upper body

Correct derangements, impingements, entrapments

Restore ADL and occupational functions, tolerances, abilities

Prevent recurrence.